

lundi 24 juin 2002

Dans le monde entier, les gens montrent par leurs actes et leurs choix qu’ils adorent conduire, ce qui laisse penser que, tout au moins, la taxation pour échapper aux embouteillages devrait être appliquée judicieusement pour résoudre des problèmes particuliers aigus, et non pas être une mesure s’inscrivant dans un vaste projet visant à réduire le trafic.

The most significant of these is that all over the globe, people show by their actions and their choices that they cherish the opportunity to drive. Restricting that opportunity amounts to a real reduction in their well-being. Charging them roughly the marginal social cost of their motoring habits is fair enough, assuming that it can be done. But deterring congestion will in many cases require charging more than the marginal social cost of motoring, and this will impose economic loss on society instead of stemming it. That suggests, at the very least, that congestion pricing should be applied judiciously to resolve specific acute problems, rather than as part of a broader effort to curb traffic.

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