

mardi 27 septembre 2005

Que d’heures bien occupées il passa avec lui dans son île de Juan Fernandez ! Il approuva souvent les idées du matelot abandonné ; parfois il discuta ses plans et ses projets ; il eût fait autrement, mieux peut-être, tout aussi bien, à coup sûr ! Mais, chose certaine, il n’eût jamais fui cette bienheureuse île, où il était heureux comme un roi sans sujets.... ; non, quand il se fût agi de devenir premier lord de l’amirauté !

How many a well-employed hour he passed with that hero on his isle of Juan Fernandez ! Often he criticised the ideas of the shipwrecked sailor, and sometimes discussed his plans and projects. He would have done differently, in such and such a case, or quite as well at least—of that he felt assured. But of one thing he was satisfied, that he never should have left that pleasant island, where he was as happy as a king without subjects— no, not if the inducement held out had been promotion to the first lordship in the admiralty !

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