

jeudi 5 février 2004

L’objectif de Bush à plus long terme est de rendre la planète plus sûre en éliminant les "Etats voyous" et le "terrorisme". Et les terroristes potentiels, vous en faites quoi ? Voilà ceux qu’il faut vraiment éliminer. Dans ma rue, c’est pareil. MM. Johnson et Patel ne sont que la partie émergée de l’iceberg. Il y a des dizaines d’autres gens dans cette rue que je n’aime pas et qui - tout à fait franchement - me regardent d’un sale oeil. Personne ne sera vraiment en sécurité tant que je ne les aurai pas tous massacrés.

Mr Bush’s long-term aim is to make the world a safer place by eliminating ’rogue states’ and ’terrorism’. It’s such a clever long-term aim because how can you ever know when you’ve achieved it ? How will Mr Bush know when he’s wiped out all terrorists ? When every single terrorist is dead ? But then a terrorist is only a terrorist once he’s committed an act of terror. What about would-be terrorists ? These are the ones you really want to eliminate, since most of the known terrorists, being suicide bombers, have already eliminated themselves. Perhaps Mr Bush needs to wipe out everyone who could possibly be a future terrorist ? Maybe he can’t be sure he’s achieved his objective until every Muslim fundamentalist is dead ? But then some moderate Muslims might convert to fundamentalism. Maybe the only really safe thing to do would be for Mr Bush to eliminate all Muslims ? It’s the same in my street. Mr Johnson and Mr Patel are just the tip of the iceberg. There are dozens of other people in the street who I don’t like and who - quite frankly - look at me in odd ways. No one will be really safe until I’ve wiped them all out.

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